
Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures.

Lexington excels in education, with 45% of its population holding at least a Bachelor's degree, ranking it among the top U.S. cities.
Colleges & Universities

Engines of Greater Lexington's economic growth.

The Bluegrass Region’s abundance of colleges and universities, led by the University of Kentucky, fuels a highly educated workforce and drives economic growth through significant student enrollment and research impact.
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Higher Education Drives Bluegrass Economy

The abundance of higher education institutions within the Bluegrass Region brings an infusion of students each fall, and with it comes big dreams and big ideas. The impact of which has produced a very well-educated workforce leading to the area’s diverse economy.

UK Anchors Lexington’s Academic Hub

Anchored by the state’s flagship university, the University of Kentucky, the Bluegrass boasts 10+ colleges and universities within 40 miles of Lexington. Over 59% of Lexingtonians between ages 18 and 24 are enrolled in college or graduate school, ranking the city 3rd in college enrollment rates among cities with a population over 300,000.

Colleges Boost Lexington's Economy and Workforce

Altogether, institutions of higher learning in Greater Lexington fuel our economy with total enrollment of nearly 80,000 and awarding over 18,000 degrees and credentials annually. The economic impact of many of these schools is huge, from student enrollment to faculty to workers to the infusion of research funds.

Public Education K-12

A model for national excellence.

Kentucky’s educational commitment, highlighted by the “United We Learn” initiative, has transformed its schools into national models, with Greater Lexington’s districts consistently exceeding state and national academic standards.
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Kentucky’s Educational Excellence

Kentucky’s commitment to education over the last 25-plus years has made it a model for the nation. The catch phrase, “United We Learn,” has been embraced throughout the state, and is built around three ideas: creating a more vibrant experience for every student, encouraging innovation in schools, and creating a bold new future for Kentucky’s schools through collaboration within communities.

Greater Lexington’s Academic Achievement

Kentucky has also made major strides in teacher pay, student testing, teacher training, and administration. The public-school systems in Greater Lexington are no exception. These districts continue to set high standards for education, with students consistently scoring above state and national averages on both the SAT and ACT. Most high school graduates in the region attend college after graduation (stat on in state etc…)

Structure of Lexington’s Schools

With over 175 schools and other academic and alternative programs, as well as roughly 94,000 students and over 14,000 employees, each district is governed by a five-member school board, with each person elected to a four-year term.

Public School Registration

Kentucky law requires youths between 6 and 18 years old to attend school, and the birthday cutoff to enroll in kindergarten is age 5 on or before August 1. Also, families may apply for preschool if their child turns 4 on or before August 1 and is income eligible.

Kentucky Department of Education

Certified Non-Public Schools in Greater Lexington by County

Unlock your potential in Greater Lexington


Relocation to Lexington, Kentucky ensures a strategic hub with prime location, skilled workforce, and vibrant business ecosystem — for unparalleled growth and success.


Not surprisingly, we believe Greater Lexington is one of the best places in the world. The numbers speak to the region’s success as a place to start or relocate a business, raise a family, or just enjoy life.


There are an abundance of site and building opportunities across the Greater Lexington Region.