In the years since the last economic developmentĀ planning work was done, significant changes have occurred both organizationally and in the marketplace. To advance our efforts to the next level, we have ensured that our growth is strategic, coordinated, and targeted with our overall economic development goals.

In partnership with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Commerce Lexington contracted Economic Leadership to assess current strategic target industry sectors for the city of Lexington and the counties within the Greater Lexington Region.

The analysis in this study shows that these are good industry sector marketing targets for Lexington and Fayette County:

  • Biopharma and Life Sciences
  • AgBio (agricultural biology) and AgTech (agricultural technology)
  • Business Services and Financial Services
  • Medical Devices
  • Marketing and Design Services

Other sectors that are well-suited for the broader Bluegrass Alliance region are:

  • Automotive
  • Food and Beverage Processing
  • Warehousing and Logistics

The full analysis can be viewed here: Targeted Industry Analysis for Lexington and the Bluegrass Alliance

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