Types of e-commerce | Bloomidea

Gina Greathouse, ggreathouse@commercelexington.com; 859-312-5835

Information Categories

  1. Sites of 100+ acres
  2. Available Buildings of 1 million SF of more – N/A for Lexington/Bluegrass Region
  3. Major Employers
  4. Distribution Employers, specifically e-commerce
  5. Recent expansions/contractions – CED/BC
  6. Commercial transportation systems
  7. Public Transportation systems
  8. Building Permitting cycle/moratoriums
  9. & 10. Business tax structure and any pending changes (Including Inventory Taxes) / Workers compensation and unemployment insurance
  10.  See #9/10
  11. & 12. Workforce surveys / Wage and benefit surveys
  12. See #11/12
  13. Unemployment/underemployment surveys
  14. Overview of applicable incentives
  15. Special or unique considerations your community can offer the requirement.

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